Council Proposals Affecting Northcote and Birkenhead Points

1: Auckland Council is seeking feedback on a proposal that would remove “Special Character Area” status from almost all of Northcote and Birkenhead Points.

2: That status currently protects the overall character of the area, including its heritage homes. If the “Special Character Area” status is removed, developers will be able to build 3x three-storey townhouses or apartments on nearly any residential site in the area.

3: The proposal is a result of new legislation the Government has passed to require increased housing density across urban areas generally, unless Council identifies a “qualifying matter” (such as special character) which means that intensification would not be appropriate in an area.

4: Many of Auckland’s other character suburbs are proposed to keep their “Special Character Area” status (shown in blue below).  The red areas shown below are proposed to lose their protection.  We think our area deserves to keep more of its protection – reflecting our vibrant history and significance to Auckland’s development. 

5: You can provide feedback on Council’s proposal here, up until midnight on 9 May 2022:
Your feedback will help inform Council’s final proposed changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan, which they will publicly notify in August.

6: The key topics for our area are Special Character Areas and Infrastructure Constraints.
We need Council to include them as a “qualifying matter so that they can continue to protect the heritage of Northcote and Birkenhead Points.

7: Council is also consulting on Walkable Catchments and Intensification, which (among other things) will allow terraced housing and apartment buildings within 400 metres of any part of the Highbury precinct, as a “town centre”. We think this distance should be reduced so that development is focused on the key area close to Highbury, rather than extending south of Mokoia Road and down Hinemoa Street and Rawene Road.

8: (The “walkable catchments” proposal also allows more intensification for the CBD, major town centres, and within a walkable distance from rapid public transport stops – those aspects are not relevant to Northcote and Birkenhead Points.)

Key Messages for People Providing Feedback on NPS-UD